February Wrap Up

Despite the fact it felt like a bad reading month, I still managed to read 14 books in February. I used to read 2 books a month on average.

My reading this month was sporadic and a bit random, but here is a summary of my reading for February. Some of the books already appeared in this post about queer reads, but most I haven’t yet shared.

Bad to Mediocre Books (1-3 stars)

The witch doesn't burn in this one by Amanda LovelaceThe Witch Doesn’t Burn In This One by Amanda Lovelace

I was so excited about this poetry book that I preordered it. As soon as I got it, I read through. Only two of the poems jumped out at me and the rest fell flat.

The book isn’t bad, exactly. I rated it 3 stars. It’s not aimed at me where I am in my life, though teenage Polo would have been all over the witch imagery. Worth a try if you’re into poetry, but nothing stellar.

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The Stars Are Legion by Kameron Hurley

There are few writers who can create a world as weird and vivid as Kameron Hurley. Tucked beneath the skin of a living planet, a society of warriors fights to keep their world from dying in a book that turns your stomach as often as you turn the page.

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Style by Chelsea M. Cameron

Someone on Twitter mentioned this book in passing in a conversation that was nothing to do with me, but it looked intriguing enough for me to buy for my kindle right away. Since I was in the market for a sweet, fluffy queer romance anyway, I figured Style by Chelsea M. Cameron would do the trick.

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